Tag Archives: beauty

Why to look beautiful?

Why to look beautiful? This simple question has very deep answer. Makeup is good for health and beauty as it gives skin some protection against sunlight and other harmful factors. There are various types of cosmetics including skincare creams used for protection of skin, lotions liquids which can be applied on various parts, powders, perfumes used for fragrances, lipsticks used on the lips, fingernail, hair color used for coloring of hairs, hair sprays and gel, deodorants and various other types of products. Every body want to look beautiful since looking beautiful is the dream of every girl. There are some points which should be considered before having a makeup. There are chances of makeup failure when proper precautions is not taken.

There should be enough buffering time before the final makeup for marriage or big party. It may be time period of at least 3 to 4 weeks. All the testing and makeup trails should be done to avoid any problem. Your skin may be sensitive to some chemicals and products. Wear light color cloths for having a makeup test and take a picture of himself in day light without any flash to see the original effect of cream or any gel, which may have some chemicals which doesn’t suits you and can create problem for your skin.

There should be a good routine for good looking face which contains following steps from waking up to final makeup First step is to wash your face to remove any dirt or impurities then apply other skincare products which are for good health of skin because one has to take care of skin as it is one of the sensitive organ in our body.

Moisturizer for softening of skin as a natural soft skin is always good looking. After moisturizer apply sun-scream it protects skin from harmful effects of sunlight and ultra violet rays. There are the chances of dark spots and other factors which are not good for beauty of skin. . All these creams and lotion should be applied in proper propositions for getting best results. Now it is turn of primer it helps our skin for concealer and foundation and make sure they go on better and last longer. It makes pores less visible it should be applied on face and neck. After primer concealer has to be applied on skin to cover any blemishes. It should be blend with fingertips. Before choosing concealer make sure that co-lour of concealer should be slightly lighter than skin color. For applying foundation, foundation should be chosen according to the skin tone. It should be applied in small batches on chin, cheeks and forehead, then it should be blend to cover entire face. Make sure it looks natural and finishing should be flawlessly. Now it is turn of Highlighter and Bronze, they are used for making face more sculpted and defined. It should be lighter than natural skin tone, while bronze r should be a bit darker. It should be applied along with jawline and cheekbones. Make sure both highlighter and bronze r gives natural look. Blush, blush is used to give pleasant glow to face. It should be applied on cheeks by smiling to the way back to hairline. Makeup for eye is also important as eyes are the most sensitive organ or our body. We should take care of them personally and try to avoid hard makeup on them, Try to make them look beautiful naturally. One should use eyebrow pencil follow the natural line of your brow using a color slight lighter than your skin. Now apply shadow liner and mascara, shadow liner should be used in three shades of eye shadow, starting with lightest color under your eyebrows and then darkest color over your lid. Mascara is used to coat and separate every lash by giving them a thick and healthy look. Lipstick liner and gloss, Lipstick is one of the most flexible parts of look. One can mix and match colors based on the mood, outfit and even the time of the day. It should be finished with a layer of gloss.


Consider this particular link for all beauty related problems and required solutions. Best Ladies Beauty Parlour in Rohini.



